TfL buses


The bus is the UK’s main form of public transport. With the right levels of investment and funding support, it has the potential to play a bigger role in cutting congestion, carbon emissions and air pollution.

Find out more about how bus services are provided now, the case for both reform and for the bus to receive a bigger slice of transport spending.

Resources for this topic

View documents, reports and other material.


A Smoother Ride: Unlocking a green bus revolution

This report explores how the benefits of Zero Emission Buses (ZEBs) can be realised and rolled out more rapidly. It looks at the local and national policy reforms, funding arrangements and manufacturing capacity needed to unlock the delivery of ZEBs and fulfil fleet decarbonisation goals.
Read more about A Smoother Ride: Unlocking a green bus revolution Download file


A Smoother Ride – Can capital investment deliver more efficient bus services?

This paper explores whether capital investment in bus can be used to make bus services more efficient. Using modelling, it shows that capital investment in zero emission buses and bus priority can indeed unlock efficiencies, and that these benefits can be multiplied by combining that investment with enhanced revenue funding support.
Read more about A Smoother Ride – Can capital investment deliver more efficient bus services? Download file


A Smoother Ride - Reviewing the Bus Services Act 2017 to empower local areas

Buses are the lifeblood of the UK’s public transport network. However, despite their popularity and utility, bus services have been trapped in a spiral of decline, exacerbated by the COVID pandemic. Six years on from the publication of the Bus Services Act 2017, and considering the vision and ambitions presented in the National Bus Strategy, this report sets out to review the provisions of the Act.
Read more about A Smoother Ride - Reviewing the Bus Services Act 2017 to empower local areas Download file


Urban Public Transport Funding - Options for Reform

This report, produced by consultants Steer for the Urban Transport Group, explores the options for reforming local public transport funding.

The report also considers the implications of ending covid-related bus funding in April 2023, warning that bus services could be reduced and fares increased as a result.

Read more about Urban Public Transport Funding - Options for Reform Download file


Dream ticket? The challenges and opportunities of delivering smart ticketing in the city regions

There are multiple obstacles to giving public transport users in the city regions a London-style smart and simple ticketing system. This report suggests a new approach is needed, and recommends more leadership from Government, better resourcing of the transition, and more collaboration between all the key players.
Read more about Dream ticket? The challenges and opportunities of delivering smart ticketing in the city regions Download file


Future Streets: Challenges and opportunities

Streets are often the most contested spaces in any town or city. There are a large number and wide variety of calls on street space (at least 160 legitimate calls), and they simply can’t all be met. This report seeks to help local highway and strategic transport authorities rise to the challenge of better street and kerbside management.
Read more about Future Streets: Challenges and opportunities Download file


The Good Life: The role of transport in shaping a new and sustainable era for suburbs

We are a nation of suburbanites. However, the ubiquity of suburban living is often not reflected in transport policy. And there can be no decarbonisation of transport without specific measures to decarbonise transport in the suburbs. This report presents four foundations of suburbs for a new era – one which offers all suburbanites the promise of the ‘Good Life’ whilst addressing the climate crisis.
Read more about The Good Life: The role of transport in shaping a new and sustainable era for suburbs Download file


Strategic analysis of current bus safety issues

This report from the Transport Safety Research Centre at Loughborough University reviews the regulatory framework for bus safety in England outside London and makes comparisons with the safety regime in place both elsewhere and for other modes.
Read more about Strategic analysis of current bus safety issues Download file


Continuing COVID Funding Support for Urban Public Transport

This report finds that if Government’s Covid-related financial support to urban public transport outside London ends (in March 2022), buses would soon be less frequent and more expensive, and patronage would be substantially lower than pre-Covid levels, potentially up to 30% lower.
Read more about Continuing COVID Funding Support for Urban Public Transport Download file


Back the Bus to Level Up

This report makes the case for bus revenue funding and reform of how it is provided. It aims to arrive at a realistic assessment of the revenue funding that will be needed to support the ambitious transformation in bus services envisaged by the National Bus Strategy.
Read more about Back the Bus to Level Up Download file


What scope for boosting bus use? An analysis of the Intrinsic Bus Potential of local authority areas in England

This research, by Transport for Quality of Lifeidentifies the underlying conditions that best predict levels of bus use in local areas. It points to six conditions which, when combined, are used to define the ‘Intrinsic Bus Potential’ (IBP) of a local authority area.

Read more about What scope for boosting bus use? An analysis of the Intrinsic Bus Potential of local authority areas in England Download file


What next for urban transport?

This report - published to coincide with the 2019 Autumn Party Conferences - identifies four urban transport challenges and four solutions needed to overcome them.

It also details what transport authorities need from Government to bring about these changes. 

Read more about What next for urban transport? Download file


Number crunch 2019: Urban transport trends in changing times

This is the second in our Number crunch report series and provides an updated overview of the key trends over the last ten years, as well as taking a look at what the new and most recent data is telling us.

We are living in rapidly changing times. Big shifts are taking place in urban transport trends.

Read more about Number crunch 2019: Urban transport trends in changing times Download file


How people respond to the experience of bus travel and the implications for the future of bus services

This literature review - carried out by SYSTRA for the Urban Transport Group - aims to appraise the existing evidence base on the range of factors that influence how people respond to the experience of bus travel, with a focus on the social-emotional experience of bus travel and on the experiences of different socio-demographic groups.

Read more about How people respond to the experience of bus travel and the implications for the future of bus services Download file


The cross-sector benefits of backing the bus

This report highlights how investing in bus services is key to achieving a wide range of policy objectives across Government. 

The report also finds that the way in which bus services are funded is mired in complexity, with no oversight within Whitehall of how the various funding streams from different Government departments impact on bus services overall.

Read more about The cross-sector benefits of backing the bus Download file


Policy futures for urban transport

The latest edition of Policy futures for urban transport emphasises how a new deal on funding and powers is essential to keep the UK's cities moving forward.

The report sets out the 10 key policy changes that are needed to make cities healthier, fairer and more prosperous.

Read more about Policy futures for urban transport Download file


Policy Futures

Policy futures for urban transport sets out how, with more focused governance in place, the city regions are delivering major investment programmes including on public transport, highways and active travel, and smart ticketing. The report says that - with the right national policy framework - further and faster progress can be made, including:

Read more about Policy Futures Download file


The Scandinavian way to better public transport

‘The Scandinavian Way to Better Public Transport’ shows how transport authorities in three Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Denmark and Norway) are using devolved powers to transform public transport for the better - and sets out the lessons that the UK could learn.

Read more about The Scandinavian way to better public transport Download file


Total Transport: a better approach to commissioning non-emergency patient transport?

‘Total Transport’ schemes pool resources and vehicle fleets from across the public sector which are currently used to provide separate mainstream, social services, education and healthcare transport provision. Through pooling and coordination a better overall service can be provided at less cost to the taxpayer.

Read more about Total Transport: a better approach to commissioning non-emergency patient transport? Download file


Devolution, Integration and Franchising: Local Public Transport in the Netherlands

This report provides an overview of how local public transport has been devolved in the Netherlands in a way that still maintains a national integrated public transport network. It also analyses the different approaches that have been taken to the franchising of local public transport networks and the lessons that can be learned.

Read more about Devolution, Integration and Franchising: Local Public Transport in the Netherlands Download file


Horizon scan of implications of technological and social change

This report aims to provide decision makers with a guide to the implications for urban transport of transformative social and technological change and how they can best respond. 

The report (which was produced in collaboration with Arup Foresight) identifies four key overarching trends: 

Read more about Horizon scan of implications of technological and social change Download file


Ticket to Thrive: The role of urban public transport in tackling unemployment

This report reveals the vital role of public transport, and the bus in particular, in enabling people to find and sustain employment. Some 77% of jobseekers in British cities outside London do not have regular access to a car, van or motorbike and can face significant barriers to work as a result.

Read more about Ticket to Thrive: The role of urban public transport in tackling unemployment Download file


Oxford SmartZone

In 2011, the two main bus operators in the city of Oxford introduced an inter-operable smart ticketing system known as the SmartZone. Meanwhile, many other parts of the country have faced significant challenges in attempting to introduce inter-operable smart ticketing in deregulated bus markets.

Read more about Oxford SmartZone Download file


Issues with DfT Concessionary Reimbursement Guidance

This paper was produced by Andrew Last, for pteg, between December 2013 and May 2014, and its purpose is two-fold: - To serve as a background resource for PTE officers by providing an overview of current reimbursement guidance and its genesis; - To identify and document a number of issues with the current DfT Concessionary reimbursement guidance, thereby supporting

Read more about Issues with DfT Concessionary Reimbursement Guidance Download file


Changing Highways Policy

This report to pteg by Atkins focuses on the most important recent and forthcoming changes to highways policy and the implications of these for Metropolitan areas, including in respect of air quality, carbon emissions, technology, the Strategic Road Network, road maintenance, road safety, planning, freight, management of road space and parking policy.

Read more about Changing Highways Policy Download file


LSTF Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance - Final Report

Building on the work of the Department for Transport, pteg commissioned AECOM to prepare additional guidance for PTEs and other Local Transport Authorities to assist in the monitoring and evaluation of Local Sustainable Transport Fund projects. The guidance provides a practical approach to developing cost effective and affordable monitoring and evaluation programmes.

Read more about LSTF Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance - Final Report Download file


Total Transport - Working across sectors to achieve better outcomes

This report highlights the essential role of public transport, walking and cycling in achieving key health, social care and employment policy goals. It warns that this contribution could be put at risk unless there is more focus on collaborative, cross-sector funding and delivery of transport interventions.

Read more about Total Transport - Working across sectors to achieve better outcomes Download file


Guidance for the safe design and operation of bus stations and interchanges

This guidance has been drafted by industry and government stakeholders to assist anyone responsible for health and safety in a bus or coach station. The group identified key hazards and risk associated with the operation and design of bus stations, and provides practical advice on how they can be managed effectively.

Read more about Guidance for the safe design and operation of bus stations and interchanges Download file

Press release

End ‘spiral of decline’ of bus services by handing control to councils

The Local Government Association and the Urban Transport Group have called for new powers for councils to decide the way local bus services are delivered to end a “spiral of decline” of services by protecting vital bus routes and reinvesting in local networks. 
Read more about End ‘spiral of decline’ of bus services by handing control to councils

Press release

City regions respond to Government’s decision to extend funding for bus services until 2025

The Urban Transport Group, the UK’s network of city region transport authorities, has responded to the Government’s decision to extend funding for bus services to 2025 and continue the national £2 fare cap until October, after which point, it will rise to £2.50 until the end of November 2024.
Read more about City regions respond to Government’s decision to extend funding for bus services until 2025

Press release

Nearly one in three urban bus trips – some 300 million journeys - could be lost without further financial support from Government, report warns

The number of bus passengers in city regions outside London could be up to 30% lower than before the pandemic – a “similar magnitude” to the direct impact which COVID-19 itself has had on demand - if the Government does not extend its financial support for the bus. 
Read more about Nearly one in three urban bus trips – some 300 million journeys - could be lost without further financial support from Government, report warns

Press release

New report makes case for spending review to back the bus

A new report by the Urban Transport Group has shown that the Spending Review will need to make significantly more funding available for bus if the aspirations of the national bus strategy, and the Government’s wider levelling up agenda, are to be to met.
Read more about New report makes case for spending review to back the bus

Press release

The biggest job in UK urban transport: TfL Commissioner to speak about leading through a global crisis and towards a green and just recovery

Transport for London Commissioner Andy Byford will be in conversation with Jo Field, Chief Executive of JFG Communications and President of Women in Transport for the seventh in the Urban Transport Next series of events, hosted by Urban Transport Group.
Read more about The biggest job in UK urban transport: TfL Commissioner to speak about leading through a global crisis and towards a green and just recovery

Press release

Report paints stark picture for future of bus and tram services without continued Government COVID-19 support

The future of local public transport services is at serious risk - including the potential for deep cuts to bus services and the temporary closure of light rail systems - without continued COVID-19 financial support from Government, according to a new report. 
Read more about Report paints stark picture for future of bus and tram services without continued Government COVID-19 support

Press release

Urban Transport Group commissions new city region bus planning tool

The Urban Transport Group has commissioned a new and improved model to help city regions plan the future of their bus networks through forecasting how factors such as population, employment, car ownership, service levels, fares and public funding will drive bus patronage over the next decade. 
Read more about Urban Transport Group commissions new city region bus planning tool

Press release

Groundbreaking research identifies factors behind high bus use

Groundbreaking new research has identified the underlying conditions that best predict levels of bus use in local areas, as well as additional factors which may explain why some areas exceed expectations with higher levels of bus use than predicted.
Read more about Groundbreaking research identifies factors behind high bus use

Press release

Urban Transport Group welcomes Prime Minister’s pledge to support city regions in taking back control over their bus services

The Urban Transport Group has today welcomed the Prime Minister’s commitment in his speech at Manchester’s Museum of Science and Industry this weekend that he will “begin as a matter of urgency the transformation of local bus services”.
Read more about Urban Transport Group welcomes Prime Minister’s pledge to support city regions in taking back control over their bus services

Press release

Changing travel habits in UK’s cities revealed in new data report

Fewer commutes per person, reduced car use in major urban centres and rapidly falling bus patronage – these are just some of the transport trends taking place in the UK’s biggest cities and city regions, as identified in the Urban Transport Group’s latest data report.
Read more about Changing travel habits in UK’s cities revealed in new data report

Press release

National Infrastructure Commission is right to make devolved transport funding for cities a key test for Government’s future infrastructure plan

The National Infrastructure Commission’s call for Government to make devolved funding for urban transport to cities a key test of the Government’s forthcoming National Infrastructure Strategy is hugely welcome, says the Urban Transport Group.
Read more about National Infrastructure Commission is right to make devolved transport funding for cities a key test for Government’s future infrastructure plan

Press release

Urban Transport Group concerned over funding & quality controls for Government’s bus open data & audio visual information plans

The Urban Transport Group has today welcomed the Government’s intention to open up data on bus services and to ensure the provision of audio visual information for bus passengers - but said it has major concerns about how the plan is to be funded and implemented at a time when local government funding is being cut.
Read more about Urban Transport Group concerned over funding & quality controls for Government’s bus open data & audio visual information plans

Press release

Bus partnership website relaunched

The website - which contains a series of signed local bus partnership agreements between operators and transport authorities - has been relaunched to help prevent ‘wheel reinvention’.
Read more about Bus partnership website relaunched

Press release

Case made for continuing focus on investment and devolution at Urban Transport Group parliamentary reception

At a reception attended by more than 100 parliamentarians and key players in the urban transport debate Tobyn Hughes, Managing Director of Nexus and chair of the Urban Transport Group said that urban transport is the beating heart of successful cities, and to ensure city regions continue to thrive they need to have more power over their own destiny.
Read more about Case made for continuing focus on investment and devolution at Urban Transport Group parliamentary reception

Press release

New report finds NHS missing opportunity to save millions on costs of getting people to hospital

- Calls for NHS to get more involved in ‘Total Transport’ schemes - 

A new joint report from an alliance of local transport authorities and the Community Transport Association has identified the potential for massive savings for the NHS through reducing the cost of getting people to hospital.  

Read more about New report finds NHS missing opportunity to save millions on costs of getting people to hospital

Press release

UK's largest urban transport authorities set out vision for future of transport in the city regions

Following on from the EU referendum, the formation of a new Government and with the start of the party conference season, the Urban Transport Group has set out a vision for how UK transport policy could unfold in a way that will enable the nation’s largest urban areas to deliver inclusive growth in a smart and sustainable way.

Read more about UK's largest urban transport authorities set out vision for future of transport in the city regions


Bus Policy

This short read briefing looks at why buses matter and how bus policy works. It explains the significant challenges facing the sector, how city regions are backing the bus and what reforms of national bus policy could help the bus fulfil its potential.

Read more about Bus Policy Download file


Briefing on the Transport Bill

A briefing on the Transport Bill announced as part of the Queen's Speech in May 2022, including what we know so far and what the Bill should contain to transform urban transport for the better.

Read more about Briefing on the Transport Bill Download file


Multi-Operator Ticket Comparison 2019

This document provides comparative analysis of bus operator fares and multi-operator ticket fareas across Urban Transport Group member areas and a range of comparators. This information was collected in June 2019 and was correct at the time of research. Bus fares change regularly and it is likely that some of the fares are out of date, however, this is intended as a snap shot analysis and should be treated as such.

Read more about Multi-Operator Ticket Comparison 2019 Download file


Bus Fares Research 2019

This briefing provides a summary of bus fares from the main operators across Urban Transport Group member areas. Bus fare information was collected in June 2019 and was correct at the time of research. Bus fares are updated regularly so it is likely that some of the fares have already changes, however, this document is a snap shot analysis and should be treated as such.

Read more about Bus Fares Research 2019 Download file


Bus Operator Profitability Analysis 2017

This briefing paper summarising the current financial position (as at January 2017) of the largest bus companies operating in metropolitan areas and the wider city regions and comparing their performance with that of their London counterparts.

Read more about Bus Operator Profitability Analysis 2017 Download file


Multi-Operator ticket premia EXTERNAL 2016

This document provides comparative analysis of bus operator fares and multi-operator ticket fareas across Urban Transport Group member areas and a range of comparators. This information was collected in October 2016 and was correct at the time of research. Bus fares change regularly and it is likely that some of the fares are out of date, however, this is intended as a snap shot analysis and should be treated as such.

Read more about Multi-Operator ticket premia EXTERNAL 2016 Download file


Multi-operator ticket premia INTERNAL 2016

This document provides comparative analysis of bus operator fares and multi-operator ticket fareas across Urban Transport Group member areas and a range of comparators. This information was collected in October 2016 and was correct at the time of research. Bus fares change regularly and it is likely that some of the fares are out of date, however, this is intended as a snap shot analysis and should be treated as such. Please note that there is both an internal and external version of this document. If you wish to share the document outside of your organisation, please use the external document only as this has some sensitive information removed.

Read more about Multi-operator ticket premia INTERNAL 2016 Download file


Bus fare analysis 2016

This briefing provides a summary of bus fares from the main operators across Urban Transport Group member areas. Bus fare information was collected in October 2016 and was correct at the time of research. Bus fares are updated regularly so it is likely that some of the fares have already changes, however, this document is a snap shot analysis and should be treated as such.

Read more about Bus fare analysis 2016 Download file


PTE area bus operator profitability analysis 2014

pteg briefing paper summarising the current financial position (as at October 2014) of the largest bus companies operating in metropolitan areas and the wider city regions and comparing their performance with that of their London counterparts.

Read more about PTE area bus operator profitability analysis 2014 Download file


Policy Futures - Seamless public transport

This policy futures paper highlights the growing appetite for giving larger cities outside London more of the benefits that London enjoys on public transport, and brings together the ideas from the other policy futures papers.

Read more about Policy Futures - Seamless public transport Download file


Policy Futures - Young Peoples' concessions

This Policy Futures paper sets out the costs and benefits of different options for concessions for children and young people, and sets them in a wider policy context of achieving more effective overall policies in this area.

Read more about Policy Futures - Young Peoples' concessions Download file


Policy Futures paper - Buses

This paper sets out the policy changes needed for the bus to play its full part in creating wider modern, cost effective and integrated public transport networks for the city regions.

Read more about Policy Futures paper - Buses Download file


Government proposals to ban CCTV enforcement of parking and implications for buses

On 6th December 2013 the Government issued a consultation document on local government parking strategies. The stated aim of the proposals is to help with the cost of living and to support local shops. In this briefing we concentrate on the CCTV enforcement proposals – and in particular the implications for buses.

Read more about Government proposals to ban CCTV enforcement of parking and implications for buses Download file


Concessionary Travel: The funding timebomb for PTEs

The English National Concessionary Travel Scheme has been highly successful in giving older and disabled people the freedom of free off‐peak bus travel. But the costs of the scheme are rising fast whilst funding is falling. This financial ‘timebomb’ will lead to severe cuts in other frontline transport services unless a sustainable funding solution can be found.

Read more about Concessionary Travel: The funding timebomb for PTEs Download file