Consultation response
Our latest reports, briefings and consultation responses are listed below. Use the search or filter functions to discover specific policy documents.
You can also see our full list of policy topics via the link below.
The Local Transport Lottery - The costs and inefficiencies of funding local transport through ad hoc competitions
This report takes an in-depth look at the implications of an excessive reliance on competition funding for urban transport projects.
The research shows how such a reliance impacts local authorities’ ability to deliver value for money and places pressure on authorities and their staff.

Climate emergency declarations - briefing note
This document provides a summary of which authorities have declared a climate emergency and what targets they are committing to. It does not cover all authorities but focuses primarily in those in the city regions, with some additional key urban areas included for interest. This document represents a snapshot in December 2019, as authorities are continuing to declare climate emergencies and set targets.
How bus users spend their journey time
This research - conducted by transport consultancy SYSTRA on behalf of the Urban Transport Group - uncovers valuable insights into how passengers spend their time while travelling by
Making the connections on climate: How city regions can join the dots between transport, energy and the built environment
What scope for boosting bus use? An analysis of the Intrinsic Bus Potential of local authority areas in England
This research, by Transport for Quality of Life, identifies the underlying conditions that best predict levels of bus use in local areas. It points to six conditions which, when combined, are used to define the ‘Intrinsic Bus Potential’ (IBP) of a local authority area.
What next for urban transport?
This report - published to coincide with the 2019 Autumn Party Conferences - identifies four urban transport challenges and four solutions needed to overcome them.
It also details what transport authorities need from Government to bring about these changes.
MaaS movement? Issues and options on Mobility as a Service for city region transport authorities

Air quality
Working to improve air quality is a key challenge and priority across our members. Here are our five operational asks of Government which would help us to achieve this aim.

Multi-Operator Ticket Comparison 2019
This document provides comparative analysis of bus operator fares and multi-operator ticket fareas across Urban Transport Group member areas and a range of comparators. This information was collected in June 2019 and was correct at the time of research. Bus fares change regularly and it is likely that some of the fares are out of date, however, this is intended as a snap shot analysis and should be treated as such.

Bus Fares Research 2019
This briefing provides a summary of bus fares from the main operators across Urban Transport Group member areas. Bus fare information was collected in June 2019 and was correct at the time of research. Bus fares are updated regularly so it is likely that some of the fares have already changes, however, this document is a snap shot analysis and should be treated as such.
Number crunch 2019: Urban transport trends in changing times
We are living in rapidly changing times. Big shifts are taking place in urban transport trends.
How people respond to the experience of bus travel and the implications for the future of bus services
This literature review - carried out by SYSTRA for the Urban Transport Group - aims to appraise the existing evidence base on the range of factors that influence how people respond to the experience of bus travel, with a focus on the social-emotional experience of bus travel and on the experiences of different socio-demographic groups.
Consultation response
Williams Rail Review - Call for evidence: objectives and assessment criteria
Consultation response
Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing: Protecting Users - Consultation on Statutory Guidance for Licensing Authorities

Our asks of Government on Brexit and urban transport
This briefing sets out Urban Transport Group's asks of Government on Brexit and urban transport, based around four broad categories of people; funding and investment; the policy framework; and place-based impact.
Consultation response
Spending Review 2019
The cross-sector benefits of backing the bus
This report highlights how investing in bus services is key to achieving a wide range of policy objectives across Government.
The report also finds that the way in which bus services are funded is mired in complexity, with no oversight within Whitehall of how the various funding streams from different Government departments impact on bus services overall.

Interim Position On A Potential National Bus Strategy
Consultation response
MHCLG Review of local authorities’ relative needs and resources
Consultation response
Principles for the Rail Review
What's driving bus patronage change? An analysis of the evidence base
This report explores a range of factors relevant to bus patronage decline, under the themes of social and economic change; alternatives to the bus; and public attitudes to bus travel.
The place to be: How transit oriented development can support good growth in the city regions
About towns: How transport can help towns thrive

Doing more for less - How working together on transport cuts costs and saves time
The Urban Transport Group brings together and promotes the interests of Britain’s largest urban areas on transport. Through working together as a network, we help to save time and money for our members by doing things once and collaboratively – rather than separately and expensively. Saving significant costs for our members is just one benefit of being part of our organisation.
Consultation response
Active Travel Inquiry
Consultation response
Local roads funding and governance
Consultation response
Health of the bus market
Consultation response
Transport appraisal and modelling strategy: informing future investment decisions
Consultation response