Consultation response
Our latest reports, briefings and consultation responses are listed below. Use the search or filter functions to discover specific policy documents.
You can also see our full list of policy topics via the link below.
Consultation response
Future of Mobility
Consultation response
Last mile: a Call for Evidence on the opportunities available to deliver goods more sustainably
Policy futures for urban transport
The latest edition of Policy futures for urban transport emphasises how a new deal on funding and powers is essential to keep the UK's cities moving forward.
The report sets out the 10 key policy changes that are needed to make cities healthier, fairer and more prosperous.

How the health sector works: a guide for transport professionals
An introductory guide to the health sector for transport professionals seeking to collaborate with health colleagues within local authorities and the NHS. The guide is intended to provide a starting point for joint working. Note that a companion guide 'How the transport sector works: a guide for health professionals' has also been produced.

How the transport sector works: a guide for health professionals
An introductory guide to the transport sector for health professionals seeking to collaborate with transport colleagues within local authorities and Combined Authorities. The guide is intended to provide a starting point for joint working. Note that a companion guide 'How the health sector works: a guide for transport professionals' has also been produced.

Transport authorities and universities – how can we work more closely together?
Fostering greater collaboration between transport authorities and academic institutions could deliver benefits for both parties. This briefing note outlines some of the ways in which transport authorities and universities are already collaborating. It is hoped that by presenting different models for collaboration, and the successes that these have delivered, further partnerships can be fostered.
Active Travel: Solutions for changing cities
Over the last decade promoting active travel has moved from the fringes of urban transport policy to a much more central role in the planning of cities and their transport networks. This is because the promotion of active travel, and the creation of places and streetscapes where people want to walk and cycle, is such a good fit with where cities that are going places want to be.
Rail Cities UK: Our vision for their future
Significant rail expansion is the 'only viable option' to help UK cities achieve their ambitions on economic growth and meeting housing demand, whilst also creating attractive urban centres with less road traffic and better air quality.

Briefing on Bus Rapid Transit
Bus rapid transit systems - find out more about how they can speed the bus past the traffic jams in our updated briefing.
Consultation response
Draft National Planning Policy Framework
White van cities: Questions, challenges and options on the growth of urban van traffic
This report explores the scale and nature of the growth in van traffic and the impacts on city regions across a range of policy areas, each of which play a key role in determining whether our cities are the kinds of places that people want to live, work, invest and spend time in.
Our report, White van cities: Questions, challenges and options on the growth of urban van traffic, shows how van traffic is the fastest growing sector of road traffic with growth forecast to continue.
However, the evidence on what is driving growth in van traffic is limited and under researched.
Number crunch: Transport trends in the city regions
This report identifies some of the most defining patterns of the past decade (and projected future trends) that are changing the face of the UK’s city regions, and the way that people travel within them.
Consultation response
Major Road Network
Banks, bytes and bikes: The transport priorities of the new economy
Our report, Banks, bytes and bikes: The transport priorities of the new economy, highlights how transport needs in urban areas are changing amid the growth of the so-called “flat white economy”.
Consultation response
Rail Infrastructure Investment Inquiry
Consultation response
National Infrastructure Assessment
Consultation response
Air quality: Additional measures to support individuals and businesses affected by local NO2 plans
Consultation response
TSC inquiry into Mobility as a Service
Urban Transport Review 2017
"A lot has changed in urban transport over the past year," writes Lilian Greenwood MP, and Chair of the Transport Select Committee, in the foreword to the Urban Transport Review 2017.
Taxi! Issues and Options for City Region Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Policy

Initial take on the 2017 Budget
This briefing provides an initial take on the 2017 Budget.
Consultation response
Improving Air Quality
Consultation response
Network Rail's consultation on its methodology for allocating fixed costs to train operators in Control Period 5 (CP6)
Consultation response
Network Rail's consultation on variable charges and station charges in Control Period 6 (CP6)
The Transformational Benefits of Investing in Regional Rail
Regional rail services carry more than three times the numbers of passengers than the much higher profile long distance (Inter-City) services. As the UK’s city regions increasingly develop their service sector economies and concentrate employment in city centres, rail enables large numbers of people to be moved efficiently and effectively into these ever more congested places.
Consultation response
ORR's consultation on the overall framework for regulating Network Rail (PR18)
Policy Futures
Policy futures for urban transport sets out how, with more focused governance in place, the city regions are delivering major investment programmes including on public transport, highways and active travel, and smart ticketing. The report says that - with the right national policy framework - further and faster progress can be made, including:
The Scandinavian way to better public transport
‘The Scandinavian Way to Better Public Transport’ shows how transport authorities in three Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Denmark and Norway) are using devolved powers to transform public transport for the better - and sets out the lessons that the UK could learn.
Rail Devolution Works
Our ‘Rail Devolution Works’ report argues that further rail devolution will enable other regions and areas to also radically transform rail services in a way that supports economic growth at the same time as improving the journey experience for passengers.