
Our latest reports, briefings and consultation responses are listed below. Use the search or filter functions to discover specific policy documents.

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Rail Cities in the 21st Century - The Case for Devolution

Modern and efficient rail networks are key to ensuring that city regions can grow in a green and smart way. But to realise the potential of urban rail, remote control by Whitehall needs to be replaced with local control by the city regions themselves. Only then can rail play its part in the fully integrated, responsive public transport networks that the city regions need.

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Transport and Social Inclusion: Have we made the connections in our cities?

This report provides a general introduction to the social inclusion and transport agenda. A public transport network that promotes social inclusion is one that is available, accessible, affordable and acceptable. The report takes stock of progress towards creating such a network and considers potential next steps.

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Transport and Social Inclusion: Have we made the connections in our cities?

This report provides a general introduction to the social inclusion and transport agenda. A public transport network that promotes social inclusion is one that is available, accessible, affordable and acceptable. The report takes stock of progress towards creating such a network and considers potential next steps.

Read more about Transport and Social Inclusion: Have we made the connections in our cities? Download file