Our latest reports, briefings and consultation responses are listed below. Use the search or filter functions to discover specific policy documents.
You can also see our full list of policy topics via the link below.
Comprehensive Spending Review 2007: the case for transport in the city regions
Consultation response
Local transport planning and funding
Consultation response
Closures and minor modifications
Consultation response
Barker Review of Land Use Planning
Consultation response
Planning Gain Supplement
Over to you - a pteg good practice guide to consultation, participation and public involvement
Consultation response
Proposal for a regulation on public passenger transport services by road and by rail
Consultation response
Best Value User Satisfaction Survey 2006/07
Changes in concessionary travel policy for the elderly and disabled
Consultation response
Draft regulatory reform (Public Service Vehicles) Order 2005
Consultation response
Future of light rail and modern trams in Britain
Consultation response
Devolved decision making
Consultation response
Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (lifting part three exemptions for transport services)
What light rail can do for cities
This report sets out the case for investing in light rail. It is based on a detailed review of the available evidence held by the promoters of schemes in the UK looking at the benefits that have been delivered so far and how these have been achieved.
Social inclusion and transport - a pteg good practice guide
Consultation response
Rail costs and charges review
Consultation response
Amendment of Railways (Penalty Fares) Regulations 1994
Consultation response
Scrutiny of the Draft Regional Assemblies Bill
Consultation response
Community railway strategy
Consultation response
Timescales for implementation of Quality Contracts
Consultation response
Rail Review
Lessons from French tram schemes
Bus planning, performance and regulation - Operator strategy and performance
Bus planning, performance and regulation - Implementing a Quality Contract
Bus planning, performance and regulation - Executive Summary
Consultation response
Rolling stock strategy
Consultation response