The pathway to a brighter transport future: Harnessing the opportunity of our local railways

Harnessing the opportunity of our local railways report cover

Working closely with Mayors and Mayoral Combined Authorities (MCAs) to improve the UK’s rail network will enable the Government to kickstart economic growth across the country and to achieve its other key missions for clean energy, unlocking access to opportunity and keeping people safe and healthy.

The Government’s vision for rail reform recognises the role of our railway as the backbone that connects and grows the UK’s economy, with passengers at its heart.

New legislation will seek to achieve that vision, bringing railways under public ownership and control through the establishment of Great British Railways (GBR) and the introduction of a new passenger focused watchdog.

Crucially, GBR is intended to be accountable to devolved leaders (including Mayors) who will have a statutory role in governing, managing, planning and developing the rail network. Democratically accountable Mayors and MCAs are well placed to perform this role for the areas they serve.

This report proposes a series of recommendations that should underpin a new and transformational role for Mayors and devolved authorities in the delivery of local rail, including a duty for GBR to work with devolved authorities to ensure any plans reflect and enable the delivery of local ambitions for growth and for rail as part of an integrated transport network.


Key foundations (and recommendations) to ensure rail reform delivers

Protect and build on what has already been achieved on greater devolution of railway decision making and delivery

  • GBR should work closely with local areas to understand what works, what should be safeguarded and what could be improved or built upon
  • Rail reform should recognise and enable local ambitions, supporting with the capacity building and resources required for the task

Bring decision making on rail as close as possible to the communities served, ensuring alignment with wider local ambitions

  • MCAs with the capacity and ambition to do so should - through devolved funding arrangements and service carve out – become the central decision makers on local rail services in their area (whilst recognising the need for GBR to balance national network requirements).

Create a menu of options for engagement, influence and control

  • MCAs should have access to a menu of options for engagement, influence and control over rail at local level - the starting point of which should be meaningful collaboration and partnership with GBR to deliver local plans and ambitions on rail.

Unlock local rail funding and investment levers

  • MCAs need financial devolution, fiscal freedoms and local investment levers to enable them to raise and allocate funding to invest in the local rail network

Ensure accountability

  • The relationship between GBR, Mayors and MCAs should be collaborative and transparent, and GBR must also be accountable to Mayors and local leaders where MCAs are locally commissioning services from GBR and/or are taking a financial risk on services provided.

Allow time for transition

  • Resources should be allocated at national level for capacity building to support and enable the transition to the new framework for railways. Transition to new arrangements should not put a block on work towards the achievement of MCA ambitions

The report also explores key areas that Mayors and MCAs will wish to have an influence over, including: timetabling; fares and ticketing; passenger experience and standards; stations and land; and network development. 

A train in the West Midlands

The future of our railways is bright, and with the right reforms, it will be a future that benefits everyone.

Jason Prince
Director, Urban Transport Group