Consultation response
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Consultation response
On-street micromobility rental framework
Consultation response
Adapting the UK’s transport system to the impacts of climate change
Consultation response
Smarter regulation: proposed changes to legislation for electrically assisted pedal cycles
Consultation response
Response to the consultation on legislation to implement rail transformation from the Urban Transport Group
Consultation response
Allowing non-physical guided transport modes to be authorised by a Transport and Works Act order
Consultation response
Transport labour market and skills - call for ideas
Consultation response
Mobility as a Service Code of Practice
Consultation response
Creating a Road Collision Investigation Branch
Consultation response
Future of Transport regulatory review: regulatory sandboxes
Consultation response
Future of transport regulatory review: zero emission vehicles
Consultation response
Concessionary Travel Covid-19 Recovery Strategy - Consultation: call for evidence
Consultation response
Pavement parking: options for change
Consultation response
Transport Decarbonisation Plan
Consultation response
Future of Transport Regulatory Review
Consultation response
Legalising rental e-scooter trials
Consultation response
Williams Rail Review - Call for evidence: objectives and assessment criteria
Consultation response
Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing: Protecting Users - Consultation on Statutory Guidance for Licensing Authorities
Consultation response
Principles for the Rail Review
Consultation response
Transport appraisal and modelling strategy: informing future investment decisions
Consultation response
Bus Services Act Open data and accessible information
Consultation response
Future of Mobility
Consultation response
Last mile: a Call for Evidence on the opportunities available to deliver goods more sustainably
Consultation response
Major Road Network
Consultation response
Bus Services Bill guidance
Consultation response
DfT Wider Economic Impacts
Consultation response
Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy Consultation
Consultation response
DfT Hendy Review consultation
Consultation response
Understanding the value and impacts of transport investment
Consultation response
Shaw report scoping study
Consultation response
Local Authority highways maintenance funding
Consultation response
Cycling Delivery Plan
Consultation response
Senior Traffic Commissioners bus punctuality regime consultation
Consultation response
Implementation of Competition Commission bus registration remedies
Consultation response
National road and rail networks: draft national policy statement
Consultation response
Local Authority Parking
Consultation response
Triannual review of Traffic Commissioners
Consultation response
EU Balance of competence on transport
Consultation response
Integrated Transport Block Funding
Consultation response
Bus Subsidy Reform Consultation
Consultation response
EU Bus Passenger Rights
Consultation response
Rail Decentralisation
Consultation response
Devolving Local Major Transport Schemes
Consultation response
Lane Rental Schemes in England
Consultation response
Directive 2003/20/EC - Use of seatbelts and child restraints by child passengers on buses and coaches
Consultation response
High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain's Future
Consultation response
Implementing EC Regulation 1071/2009 rules concerning the occupation of road transport operator
Consultation response
Content of the Senior Traffic Commissioner's Statutory Guidance and Statutory Directions, Numbers 1-11 and 14
Consultation response
DfT Business Plan 2011-2015 Transparency Section
Consultation response
Reimbursement arrangements for the Concessionary Bus Travel Scheme in England
Consultation response
Local Transport Funding
Consultation response
Reforming Rail Franchising
Consultation response
Review of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Policy
Consultation response
Improving Bus Passenger Services through the Regulatory Framework
Consultation response
Urban Challenge Fund
Consultation response
Independent Winter Resilience Review
Consultation response
Future of Rail Franchising
Consultation response
Consultation response
The Station Champions' report 'Better Rail Stations'
Consultation response
Local Authority Grant Funding in 2010-11 for the national bus concession in England
Consultation response
Extending the remit of Passenger Focus and a requirement on bus and coach operators to display information
Consultation response
Quality Contracts Schemes
Consultation response
Developing a strategy for integrated and smart ticketing
Consultation response
EU Communication: A Sustainable Future for Transport: Towards an integrated, technology-led and user friendly system
Consultation response
Review of the UK Domestic Drivers' Hours Rules
Consultation response
Guidance to the Senior Traffic Commissioner
Consultation response
Possible changes to the administration of Concessionary Travel
Consultation response
Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP 3)
Consultation response
Workplace Parking Levy
Consultation response
Traffic Commissioners Strategy
Consultation response
Private Hire Vehicle Regulations
Consultation response
Delivering a Sustainable Transport System
Consultation response
Eligible Services
Consultation response
Changes to the Transport Tribunal
Consultation response
Quality Bus Partnerships
Consultation response
Funding Transport Infrastructure
Consultation response
Community Transport
Consultation response
Whole Vehicle Type Approvals
Consultation response
Local bus service support - options for reform
Consultation response
Options for strengthening bus passenger representation
Consultation response
Strengthening Local Delivery - Modernising the traffic commissioner system
Consultation response
Putting Passengers First - from policy to delivery
Consultation response
Draft guidance for local authority promoters considering a light rail scheme - pteg supporting letter
Consultation response
Draft guidance for local authority promoters considering a light rail scheme - UK Tram joint response
Consultation response
Bus policy review
Consultation response
Closures and minor modifications
Consultation response
Proposal for a regulation on public passenger transport services by road and by rail
Consultation response
Draft regulatory reform (Public Service Vehicles) Order 2005
Consultation response
Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (lifting part three exemptions for transport services)
Consultation response
Amendment of Railways (Penalty Fares) Regulations 1994
Consultation response
Timescales for implementation of Quality Contracts
Consultation response