
Our latest reports, briefings and consultation responses are listed below. Use the search or filter functions to discover specific policy documents.

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HMT 2013 Spending Review: transport number crunch

Briefing analysing what the 2013 Spending Review means for transport. It takes a closer look at the overall funding envelope for the UK government and the Department for Transport and how this has evolved, before looking at the balance between resource/revenue and capital budgets and the specific challenges facing local transport over the next couple of years.

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Options for Regional Rail - A review of ways to improve Britain's regional rail services

A report for pteg by Transport for Quality of Life intended to help widen the scope of debate about regional rail by considering whether more thoroughgoing governance changes might offer greater benefits and whether these benefits are worth the potential risks and costs associated with deeper reform.

Read more about Options for Regional Rail - A review of ways to improve Britain's regional rail services Download file


LSTF Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance - Final Report

Building on the work of the Department for Transport, pteg commissioned AECOM to prepare additional guidance for PTEs and other Local Transport Authorities to assist in the monitoring and evaluation of Local Sustainable Transport Fund projects. The guidance provides a practical approach to developing cost effective and affordable monitoring and evaluation programmes.

Read more about LSTF Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance - Final Report Download file


Freight in the City Regions

This report sets out the context for freight transport across our major urban areas, providing an overview of issues, trends and key policy considerations. The report also provides a policy toolkit for authorities to consider when developing their freight strategies.

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Transport number crunch

In this briefing we seek to place the 2011 and 2012 Autumn Statements in the context of other major changes in transport funding that have taken place since May 2010, analysing the implications for local transport.

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