A lunchtime conversation on how transport can shape a new and sustainable era for suburbs

We are a nation of suburbanites. However, the ubiquity of suburban living is often not reflected in transport policy. The COVID-19 pandemic and climate crisis provide an opportunity to take a fresh look at the suburbs – their transport challenges but also the transport solutions that will improve quality of life for all suburban residents.

This online conversation will explore a new Urban Transport Group report which finds that green, sustainable transport is key to shaping a new, post-COVID era for suburbs – one which offers all suburbanites the promise of the ‘Good Life’.


About the panel…

Dr Nicholas Falk

Nicholas founded the not-for-profit research and consultancy company URBED in 1976, which now operates as a design cooperative based in Manchester. He is the Executive Director of The URBED Trust, based in London.

Nicholas is an economist, urbanist and strategic planner with degrees from University College Oxford, Stanford Graduate School of Business, and the London School of Economics. He specialises in helping towns and cities plan and deliver urban regeneration and sustainable growth. He is co-author of URBED‘s submission on Uxcester Garden City that won the 2014 Wolfson Economics Prize, and the report Oxfordshire Futures 2050.

Rebecca Fuller

Rebecca is Assistant Director at the Urban Transport Group. In this role she works to make the case for the right policies in urban transport and related areas to support inclusive and sustainable growth.

Rebecca leads on the policy areas of social inclusion, children and young people, public health, cross-sector working, land-use planning, urban freight and highways. She is the author of the Urban Transport Group’s new report on suburban transport.

Steve Chambers (interviewer)

Steve is Director of Transport Good, Transport for New Homes and Evidence to Exist Research Group. At Transport for New Homes he campaigns for walking, cycling and public transport to replace car dependency on new housing estates. At Transport Good he runs the innovative and transformational ‘Futurechangers’ programme to diversify campaigning and advocacy.

Urban Transport Next online event
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Public event
Event date
Event duration

1 hour

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