A lunchtime conversation on how shared mobility can play a bigger role in UK transport policy.

The car is still king of the way that Britons get about. But car occupancy rates are low and whilst cars get bigger, they spend most of their time doing nothing. So, alongside modal shift, how do we make far better use of the vehicles we have? What role does shared transport have in meeting ambitious carbon targets? Is it time for the UK to become less ‘Top Gear’ and more ‘Car Share’?

UTG is the UK’s network of city region transport authorities. Together, we work to ensure that transport plays its full part in making our city regions greener, fairer, happier, healthier and more prosperous places.

Date: Thursday 29th April,

Time: 12-1pm

The event is free but you do need to register to attend.


About the panel...

Richard Dilks 

Richard is Chief Executive at CoMoUK. 

Richard was previously Transport Programme Director at the business group London First, where he led policy and advocacy across all transport modes and across services and infrastructure. 

He was also a board member at the statutory transport watchdog London TravelWatch for six years, which was focussed primarily on public transport. 

Prior to that he worked as first a journalist and then a policy adviser at the consumer body Which? on a wide range of consumer markets including transport. 


Greg Marsden

Greg is Professor of Transport Governance at the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds.

He has researched issues surrounding the design and implementation of new policies for over 20 years covering a range of issues. He is an expert in climate and energy policy in the transport sector and is the Transport Decarbonisation Champion for EPSRC. He is the Principal Investigator on the DecarboN8 network where he is responsible for integrating a new place based approach to decarbonising transport.

Greg co-chairs the Commission on Travel Demand which has published influential studies on travel demand and shared mobility. He is the Secretary General of the World Conference on Transport Research Society and the Chair of the Special Interest Group on Governance.

He has served as an advisor to the House of Commons Transport Select Committee and regularly advises local, national and international governments.  


Jillian Anable

Jillian Anable is Professor of Transport and Energy at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds.

Her research addresses the potential for demand-side solutions to reduce carbon and energy from transport. Broadly, her current research direction investigates ‘the future of the car’ –bringing together socio-technical developments including electrification, new mobility services and the psychology of car owning and driving to explore the concept of ‘carusership’.

She currently leads the Transport and Mobility Theme in the UKRI’s Centre for Research on Energy Demand Solutions as well as the Energy for Mobility Theme of the UK Energy Research Centre.

She has sat on a number of advisory boards and strategy panels for UK Government Departments, the Climate Change Committee, US Dept. of Energy, HoL Science and Tech Committee, RCUK and NGOs, most recently acting as Chair to the Research and Evidence Group for the Scottish National Transport Strategy Review and Steering Group member of the UK Government’s Electric Vehicle Energy Taskforce.


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