Understanding the growth in trip origin-destinations: Reviewing Government's National Trip End Model

The Department for Transport keeps the National Trip End Model (NTEM) and Trip End Model Presentation Program (TEMPro) under constant review, with a three year publication cycle of reviews. 

The NTEM model forecasts the growth in trip origin-destinations up to 2051 for use in transport modelling, whilst the TEMPro software allows users to view the NTEM dataset and provides forecasts of trip ends and associated documentation.

This network wide event for UTG's Professional Network is to provide UTG members with the opportunity to engage with DfT ahead of the next intended publication at the end of 2025. 

If you wish to attend the event, please contact Tom Ellerton tom.ellerton@urbantransportgroup.org.

Event audience
Member only event
Event date
Event duration

1 hour

Event location
