Conservative party conference fringe event

Join our fringe event at the Conservative Party Conference called 'Smarter, greener, stronger towns and cities: which transport policies can deliver?' 

The event, which takes place from 12.45 to 14.00, is chaired by Llewela Bailey, broadcast journalist, and features:

  • Jo Johnson MP, Minister of State for Transport  
  • Mike Wood MP, Member  for Dudley  South 
  • Vernon Everitt, Managing Director (Customers, Communication and Technology), Transport for London 

  • Henri Murison, Director of Northern Powerhouse Partnership 

  • Sue Percy, Chief Executive, Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation 

  • Tobyn Hughes, Chair of Urban Transport Group and Managing Director of Nexus 

Event audience
Public event
Event date
Event location

Hyatt Regency Hotel, 2 Bridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2JZ