
Our blog offers commentary, analysis and insights on the latest urban transport debates from our team of experts, as well as our Director’s regular column for Passenger Transport magazine.

How should cities respond to CAVs?

In his latest article for Passenger Transport Magazine, Jonathan Bray explains the five things he learnt during a visit to the UK's Cape Canaveral for autonomous vehicle research at the University of Warwick.

Two minute read on five thoughts from Cov on CAVs

Our smart futures strategy group met at the Warwick Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick yesterday to find out more about Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs). Here’s five things I learned.

This is the sound of the suburbs

Nipped up to Walthamstow between London meetings to check out the mini-Holland last week. Here’s a few thoughts that flickered around my brain as I  wondered around in a semi-random way. 

Small town blues and sponge cities

In his latest article for Passenger Transport Magazine, Jonathan Bray asks what can transport do to help the towns that orbit our big cities? And what will making cities ‘spongier’ mean for public transport?

The path towards rail devolution in the north

An increasingly common topic appearing in the news is devolution. There are more and more devolution deals happening in the UK, both for combined authority areas and in the transport sector.

Treasures of the Urban Transport Group YouTube archive

Many rainy lunchtimes in the making, we are proud to present the treasures of the UTG YouTube archive… YouTube is stuffed with archive train videos – there’s less out there on the buses, trams, ferries, trams and transit systems of our big regional cities.

Well let me rephrase that – there’s less out there that’s interesting! But we’ve hunted down what we could find.

The future of streets - who are they for?

In this latest article for Passenger Transport Magazine, Jonathan Bray highlights a new report from the Centre for London think tank which offers fresh thinking on the future of roads and streets in London - and beyond.

Taxis - a bridge to the future

In his latest article for Passenger Transport Magazine, Jonathan Bray asks if taxis are the bridgehead for the TNCs in their mission to reshape global transport - how should urban transport authorites respond?